

  • What are the types of water treatment chemicals?

    Water treatment chemicals encompass a range of chemical substances designed to enhance water quality, mitigate pollutants, counteract pipeline and equipment corrosion, and hinder scale formation. The diversity of water treatment chemicals is dictated by distinct applicat...
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  • The Role of Lubricants in Coated Paper Processing

    The Role of Lubricants in Coated Paper Processing

    With the continuous acceleration of the coating processing speed of coated paper, the performance requirements for the coating are becoming higher and higher. The coating should be able to quickly disperse and have good leveling properties during coating, so lubricants n...
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  • How to make polyacrylamide suitable for use?

    How to make polyacrylamide suitable for use?

    Polyacrylamide is a water-soluble polymer with valuable properties such as flocculation, thickening, shear resistance, resistance reduction and dispersion. These varied properties depend on the derivative ion. As a result, it is widely used in oil extraction, mineral pro...
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  • Three Main Categories of Decolorization Products

    Three Main Categories of Decolorization Products

    Decolorization products are divided into three main categories according to the principle of decolorization: 1. Flocculating decolorizer, a quaternary amine cationic polymer compound that combines decolorization, flocculation and COD degradation in a single product. By c...
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